What age can my child start attending Mini Professors?
Children can start in Mini Professors as soon as they turn 2. It is often surprising for parents how much children can get out of attending a Mini Professors class. You are never too young to learn! Children love the hands on experiments and soon get used to the set routine.
What format does a Mini Professors lesson take?
All lessons follow the same set structure however the subject matter will change each week. With over 80 different topics you’re little one will learn something new every week. Each lesson starts with the Mini Professors song followed by an introduction to the topic, experiment, bespoke video, story, second experiment and then concludes with a summary.
Can you bring a sibling?
Each Mini Professors franchise will have different rules regarding siblings please contact your class leader directly.
What will my child get out of attending a Mini Professors class?
As well as a passion for science your child will gain a whole host of skills including turn taking, sharing, dexterity, questioning, listening, communication to name but a few. To send your child off to school enthused about learning and captivated by the wonderful world of science is a remarkable gift to give.
How could I continue our learning at home?
Follow us on facebook at MiniprofessorsUK we regularly post experiments and activities to perform at home with educational links etc.